The other day I was talking to a friend and he remarked “The Indian society is such a hypocrite”. Well, honestly I took that with a pinch of salt. However people reading this, no grudges to be held because the person is an Indian himself and a really good friend of mine. I don’t know why I pondered over this a little more and certainly even longer than what I do over so many useful things I hear around me. May be, because I have been watching too many movies lately. Each presenting a new side of human race. People fighting throughout their lives for land, money, sex, love and probably every single reason you can think of. Well reasons you might miss out can be like loneliness in their lives; failure of their past efforts; search of someone who cares or someone who trusts and few more on such lines if you think a little harder now. I know this is going on as a random series of thoughts, but hopefully by the time I finish things it will be coherent and will look like a well-stitched read, though I don’t mind nor care if doesn’t.
Hypocrite. What does that mean? I didn’t need to check the thesaurus or Google coz the friend in the very next moment clarified it to me. He said “We never do, what we say”. I agree now after almost 12 hours of having that conversation. And, I feel that not only the Indian society is hypocrite but the entire human race is. Probably it’s just to believe that we are animals and nothing more than that. And we go by impulse, like any other animal. Feel like eating, can’t hold it. We will kill, steal and do what not. A plethora of movies have such scenes performed by the worst to the best in the business. Yeah business reminds me of money. Well we almost do everything for money for what I believe during our entire lives. We call them ambitions, dreams, goals and what not for our race to look smarter and superior. Dream of being rich, dream of becoming successful and certainly dream of wielding power (Gosh, I must tell you dreams are powerful man!!). We hunt around like hungry creatures for things we don’t have. Our needs just start getting bigger and bigger. And during all this chaos we lose sight of what we profess and if anyone doesn’t, he/she should. We forget we are humans and we need to feel for others. We forget that there can be a love triangle or a figure with many more dimensions when we love. We forget that the other person has a family just like ours when we kill. We forget that the girl means the world to her father when we rape. We forget that the other person who is trying too hard in a relationship has probably had a lonely childhood when we reject someone. We forget that diamonds worth millions has cost a few hundred lives in a poor nation when we sell them in a developed city. We forget that there are millions starving on the streets everywhere when we gulp down delicacies. We forget that we must give when we receive. We forget everything. We are mere animals. And the worst thing is we, unlike other animals, divide ourselves shamelessly into so many shreds of the so-called “Society” that we forget that we are doing all this to our own people, I mean everyone here when I say own people. But we are the best creation of the God so, we talk all good. We talk about belief, compassion, peace, forgiveness, brotherhood/sisterhood (I don’t want a sexist tag), harmony, lending hands, and joining hands. But we shun them all when we do. We kill a family which is just trying to take a little water from a municipality water supply (with no water – that’s a different issue which I will talk about some other day) because we need it probably more or might even less, I don’t know. We just say too many things but we never ever do any of those. We are hypocrites, plain hateful hypocrites!!! And painfully we just remain so.
A very engrossing read!! Few of the things you have chosen to highlight are very much relevant to what we need to do now. Few of your emotions strinking a chord with everyone.
But hypocrites, as you have described in your write-up, aren't the only manifestation of instinct or impulse symptomatic of we being like other animals. It has got much more to do with the power of choice which you enjoy, though not at all times. An allusion to helplessness will come handy here!
Disregard any typos :)
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